Current Issue
Vol. 7 No. 2 (2024): Jurnal Agroecotania : Publikasi Nasional Ilmu Budidaya Pertanian

Agroecotania is a Journal of Applied Agricultural Sciences, which is a means for researchers to publish their research results in the field of Plant Cultivation: Food Crops, Horticulture and Plantation, with the scope of Plant Breeding, Plant Biotechnology, Seed Technology, Plant Protection, and Soil Fertility.
Agroecotania is managed by the Faculty of Agriculture Jamb University. Agroecotania accepts submission of articles from researchers. All articles that are accepted and meet the requirements will be published and freely available (Open Access) to read and download for all readers.
Pengaruh Pemberian Cocopeat dan NPKMg (15:15:6:4) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Kelapa Sawit Di Pembibitan Utama
Pengaruh Media Simpan Dan Lama Penyimpan Terhadap Viabilitas Dan Vigor Benih Kopi Arabika (Coffea arabica L.)
Lama Perendaman Benih Kopi Robusta (Coffea robusta L.) dalam Asam Sulfat (H2SO4) Terhadap Pematahan Dormansi
Konversi Hutan Menjadi Tanaman Kayu Manis, Kopi Dan Campuran Kayu Manis Dan Kopi Terhadap Erodibilitas Andisol Di Desa Nilo Dingin Kecamatan Lembah Masurai Kabupaten Merangin Afifa Aprillia
Pemberian Kompos Campuran Kotoran Ayam dan Ara Sungsang (Asystasia Gangetica L.T) Terhadap Kemantapan Agregat Ultisol dan Hasil Kedelai
Resistensi Wereng Batang Padi Cokelat (Nilaparvata lugens Stal) di Sentra Padi Kecamatan Kumpeh Ulu Terhadap Beberapa Jenis Bahan Aktif Insektisida