Bibliometric Approach, Content Analysis, Human Resource Management, Research Trend, R StudioAbstract
Human Resource Management (HRM) is a strategic approach to managing people effectively in tourism companies, providing a competitive edge. This study aims to reveal research trends from 2020 to 2022 through a bibliometric and content analysis of HRM-related articles in the tourism industry. A total of 1,086 Scopus-indexed articles were analyzed using R Studio with the bibliometric package. Key metrics such as countries, authors, and institutions contributing to HRM research were examined. The findings show that the United States and China were the most productive countries in article output, with Wang and Zhang identified as the most prolific authors and Netreported as the leading institution. Emerging themes and keywords were also identified, indicating significant areas of focus in HRM research. The results highlight that HRM remains a trending topic in the tourism sector, driven by its role in enhancing organizational performance. This study is one of the few to provide a comprehensive bibliometric analysis of HRM in tourism, offering insights into global research productivity and trends over three years. The findings have practical implications for both academia and industry, suggesting that future research should focus on specific HRM practices that can further improve competitiveness in the tourism sector. These insights can guide tourism companies in refining HRM strategies to enhance performance and adaptability.
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