Correlation of Personal Hygiene During Menstruation to The Incidence of Pruritus Vulvae in Adolescent Girls


  • Tira Nur Rahmah Department of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universitas Jambi
  • Sri Mulyani Department of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universitas Jambi
  • Kamariyah Kamariyah Department of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universitas Jambi

Kata Kunci:

Personal Hygiene, Pruritus Vulvae, Menstruasi, Remaja


Background: Based on data from the Ministry of Health in 2017 showed as many as 5.2 million adolescent girls in Indonesia experienced pruritus vulvae. Therefore, most young women choose to scratch the vulva if they feel itchy during menstruation. If the vaginal skin is scratched it can cause infection. In the next stage, pruritus vulvae affects a woman's social life because it can interfere with activities in daily life. The study was conducted to determine the relationship between personal hygiene during menstruation and the incidence of pruritus vulvae in adolescent girls at SMAN 8 Jambi City. Methods: This research is a quantitative research type with a cross sectional conducted at SMAN 8 Jambi City with a total sample of 98 people, simple random sampling technique, questionnaire instrument. Results: Most of the respondents had sufficient personal hygiene during menstruation as many as 71 respondents (72.4%) and most of the respondents who experienced moderate pruritus vulvae were 56 respondents (57.1%).test results Gamma obtained 0.000 < 0.05. Conclusion: There is a relationship between personal hygiene during menstruation and the incidence of pruritus vulvae in adolescent girls at SMAN 8 Jambi City. The results of this study are expected to be considered by schools to socialize reproductive health for young women.


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Cara Mengutip

Rahmah, T. N., Mulyani, S. dan Kamariyah, K. (2025) “Correlation of Personal Hygiene During Menstruation to The Incidence of Pruritus Vulvae in Adolescent Girls ”, JURNAL KEPERAWATAN UNIVERSITAS JAMBI, 7(1), hlm. 13–22. Tersedia pada: (Diakses: 10 Maret 2025).

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