This is an outdated version published on 2018-08-15. Read the most recent version.

Kebutuhan Ruang Terbuka Hijau di Kota Jambi



Supplies, Green, Regional, Population


Jambi city with the existing area covering 17 553 ha, is growing very rapidly and resulted in vast green open space on the wane. Green open space is an area that needs to be protected to preserve the comfort and beauty of the city. The aim of this study ; 1). Calculate the area of ​​green open space needs based on area, population; 2). Analysing public perception, to the needs of green open space. This study was conducted in Jambi City Administrative Region which consists of 8 sub-districts, 12 villages. The result showed that the green open space requirements by area comprises an area of ​​5381.79 hectares of public green open space area of ​​3617.50 ha. Needs based on the population of 2014 amounted to 569 331 inhabitants, covering an area of ​​1138.66 hectares and existing public green open space area of ​​337.14 ha and 801.52 ha area of ​​deficiency. Needs of private green open space area of ​​1764.29 hectares, the existing agricultural land area of ​​7586.50 ha and excess land area of ​​5822.21 hectares and in general needs a green open space are met. Public perception of the need for good green open spaces. Direction of the development of green open space based on potential agricultural land, river banks, lake. Existing vast green open space today should be protected to ensure the ecological balance, the availability of clean air.


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How to Cite

Kebutuhan Ruang Terbuka Hijau di Kota Jambi. (2018). Jurnal Pembangunan Berkelanjutan, 1(2), 39–48.