This is an outdated version published on 2018-08-16. Read the most recent version.

Karakteristik Geokimia Komposisi Mineral Fosil Kayu: Isolasi Dan Identifikasi Kandungan Lignin Dalam Kayu Petrisian Dan In-Situaraucarioxylon Di Geopark Merangin



Petrisian wood, Araucaryoxillon, Lignin, Merangin Geopark


The purpose of this study was to identify microanalysis of mineral characteristics of petrisian wood and in situ Araucaryoxillon contained in the Merangin geopark region and isolate lignin organic compounds in petrisian wood fossils and in situ Araucaryoxillon located in Merangin geopark region. This research was conducted in Merangin Geopark Area in Merangin District of Jambi Province. This research was conducted in 2015. From the research result, it can be concluded in geochemical perspective and fossilization process of petrisian wood fossil and in situ araucarioxylon based on microanalysis method found the three most dominant elements are Si, O and Fe, in the process of fossil formation. In the perspective of paleogeochemistry, environmental factors and the reaction mechanism of fossil formation are very interesting to be examined as an attempt to provide an explanation in the field of geology and geophysics. The result of isolation and identification by spectroscopy method from fossil of in situ araucarioxylon wood fossil found in Merangin Jambi Geopark area has not found lignin content as the main constituent of wood.


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How to Cite

Karakteristik Geokimia Komposisi Mineral Fosil Kayu: Isolasi Dan Identifikasi Kandungan Lignin Dalam Kayu Petrisian Dan In-Situaraucarioxylon Di Geopark Merangin. (2018). Jurnal Pembangunan Berkelanjutan, 1(2), 82–93.