
  • MIrna Marhami Iskandar
  • Ave Olivia Rahman
  • Patrick William Gading



Keywords: tension-type headache, myofascial trigger points, pain threshold



Introduction: The pathogenesis of tension-type headache (TTH) is unclear; however, studies report a correlation between lowered pain thresholds at myofascial trigger points (MTrP) as a cause of cervical spasm, that can develop further into TTH. The MTrP pain threshold among TTH patients in the city of Jambi has never been described.

Method: Adult patients diagnosed with TTH in Jambi city are measured for their pain thresholds at the muscles of four known MTrPs: the trapezius, sternocleidomastoid, temporalis, and sub-occipital muscles. Results are then analyzed.

Results: Fifty-three subjects were obtained (53 female, 18 male) with the largest age group between 26-40 years old, and most frequent profession to be government worker and housewife. Based on the average pain thresholds of the four MTrPs, the lowest to highest average measurements are on the temporalis muscle (1.93 kg/cm2), m. sternocleidomastoid (2.48 kg/cm2), m. sub-occipital (2.50 kg/cm2) dan trapezius (2.63 kg/cm2).

Conclusion: MTrP pain threshold measurements can be considered as a routine examination among TTH patients, as MTrP plays a significant role in the pathogenesis of TTH and potentially as a target of multimodal therapy.


Keywords: tension-type headache, myofascial trigger points, pain threshold



Latar belakang: Patogenesis dari tension-type headache (TTH) belum diketahui secara jelas, namun laporan dari beberapa studi menunjukkan bahwa rendahnya ambang nyeri pada beberapa trigger point di otot-otot servikal memiliki korelasi dengan TTH. Nilai ambang nyeri pada trigger point di antara pasien-pasien (TTH) di kota Jambi belum pernah digambarkan.

Metode: Pasien-pasien dewasa dengan diagnosis (TTH) di rumah sakit di kota Jambi menjalani pengukuran ambang nyeri dengan algometer pada myofascial trigger point (MTrP) di beberapa titik, yaitu musculus trapezius, sternocleidomastoid, temporalis, dan sub-occipitalis bilateral. Hasil pengukuran kemudian dianalisis.

Hasil: Subyek yang didapat yaitu sebanyak 53 pasien (35 perempuan, 18 laki-laki), dengan golongan usai terbanyak yaitu 26-40 tahun. Pekerjaan yang terbanyak yaitu pegawai negeri sipil dan ibu rumah tangga. Dari keempat MTrP, rata-rata ambang nyeri yang terendah hingga tertinggi yaitu m. temporalis (1.93 kg/cm2), m. sternocleidomastoid (2.48 kg/cm2), m. sub-occipital (2.50 kg/cm2) dan m. trapezius (2.63 kg/cm2).

Kesimpulan: Pengukuran ambang nyeri pada MTrP dapat dipertimbangkan sebagai suatu pemeriksaan rutin pada pasien dengan TTH, agar dapat dipertimbangkan perannya dalam patogenesis TTH dan sebagai target dalam terapi multimodal.


Kata kunci: tension-type headache, myofascial trigger point, ambang nyeri


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