Scientific Of Environmental Health and Diseases (e-SEHAD) 2024-07-22T08:58:48+07:00 Wahyu Indah Dewi Aurora Open Journal Systems <p>Scientific Of Environmental Health and Diseases (e-SEHAD) has been published since December 2020 by the Center for Science and Technology Excellence (PUI) of Higher Education FKIK Jambi University. Published twice a year in December and June.</p> <div><span style="font-family: 'Noto Sans', 'Noto Kufi Arabic', -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif;">e-issn: </span><a style="background-color: #ffffff; font-family: 'Noto Sans', 'Noto Kufi Arabic', -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif;" href="">2774-4337</a></div> <div> <p>e-Sehad Published by Center Of Excellence Scientific Of Environmental And Health Diseases Universitas Jambi.</p> <p>This Journal published every 2 times a year, in May and November.</p> <p>indexed : <a href=";hl=en">Google Scholar,</a><a title="SINTA: Science and Technology Index" href="">SINTAƂ <strong>: Science and Technology Index, </strong></a><a title="IPI Portal Garuda" href=";mod=viewjournal&amp;journal=884"><strong>IPI Portal Garuda</strong></a><strong>.</strong></p> </div> OVERVIEW AND PROBLEMS OF ACHIEVEMENTS OF NCD SCREENING USING THE ASIK APPLICATION AT THE OLAK KEMANG HEALTH CENTER, JAMBI CITY 2023-11-18T09:29:06+07:00 Kennedy Artahsasta Gonbei Ratna Sugiati Erny Kusdiyah Andika Sulistiawan <p><strong><em>Background:</em></strong><em> Based on the results of recording and reporting on the NCD program at the Olak Kemang Health Center in January-September 2023, the number of patients screened was 1348 people (15.2%) of the target target of 6,213 people (70%). Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the problems with the achievements of NCD screening at the Olak Kemang Health Center in Jambi City.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Objective:</em></strong><em> To find out the description and problems of the low achievement of NCD screening at the Olak Kemang Health Center.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Methods:</em></strong><em> This study is a descriptive study that uses a mix method in the form of interviews and questionnaires. Interviews were conducted with PTM program officers and Posbindu PTM cadres. Questionnaires were given to the community and Posbindu PTM cadres.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Results:</em></strong><em> From 30 respondents and interviews with PTM program holders, several factors were found to cause the low achievement of NCD screening at the Olak Kemang Health Center, including low community knowledge about NCDs (73.3%), only one officer conducting screening, lack of information media, long distance from home to posbindu location, lack of counseling about NCDs, and screening activities are only limited to work time.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Conclusion:</em></strong><em> In this study, it was found that the prioritized problem was the low achievement of NCD screening at the Olak Kemang Health Center in January-September 2023, which was 15.2%.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> NCD Screening, Health Center, Jambi</em></p> 2024-07-22T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Electronic Journal Scientific of Environmental Health And Disease PENGARUH DIET PUASA INTERMITTENT TERHADAP UREUM KREATININ PADA TIKUS PUTIH MODEL DIABETES MELITUS 2023-12-20T11:57:53+07:00 Ikmal Galih Saputra Huntari Harahap Susan Tarawifa Ahmad Syauqy Budi Justitia <p>&nbsp;</p> <h5>ABSTRACT</h5> <p><em>Diabetes Mellitus (DM) type 2 is a common metabolic disorder characterized by hyperglycemia. The most frequent microvascular complication in diabetes patients is diabetic nephropathy. Dietary management is one of the approaches in DM treatment. Intermittent fasting as a dietary intervention has been shown to improve overall health, weight management, blood pressure, and glomerular filtration rate (GFR). This study aims to investigate the effects of intermittent fasting on urea and creatinine levels in Wistar rats with a diabetes model</em><em>.</em><em> This study is a quantitative experimental analysis conducted in vitro in a laboratory setting, using a pretest and post-test group design. There was no difference in urea and creatinine levels before and after the intermittent fasting diet treatment in Wistar white rats. </em><em>The </em><em>one-way ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests indicated no significant differences among the groups, as evidenced by the statistical test results with p-values &gt; 0.05 (not significant). There was no difference in urea and creatinine levels before and after the intermittent fasting diet treatment in Wistar white rats.</em></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> <p><strong>Keywords: Diabetes mellitus, intermittent fasting, urea, creatinine, white rats</strong></p> <h5>&nbsp;</h5> 2024-07-22T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Electronic Journal Scientific of Environmental Health And Disease HUBUNGAN HIGIENE PENJAMAH DENGAN KEBERADAAN BAKTERI ESCHERICHIA COLI PADA DEPOT AIR MINUM ISI ULANG DI WILAYAH KERJA PUSKESMAS AIR GEMURUH TAHUN 2023 2023-11-22T23:56:07+07:00 Alfita sari Fita Fitria Eka Putri Adelina Fitri Evy Wisudariani <p><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">ABSTRAK&nbsp;</span></span></span></span></span></span></p> <p><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Latar Belakang: Menurut data Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Bungo Tahun 2021, jumlah depo air minum isi ulang (DAMIU) telah mencapai 283. Di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Air Gemuruh terdapat 26 depo, DAMIU yang tidak memenuhi persyaratan sebanyak 88,5%. </span></span></span></span></span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui Hubungn Higiene Sanitasi Depot Air Minum Isi Ulang Dengan Keberadaan Bakteri Escherichia Coli di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Air Gemuruh Tahun 2023.</span></span></span></span></span></span></p> <p><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan jenis kuantitatif dengan desain cross sectional. </span></span></span></span></span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Sampel diambil dengan metode total sampling, berjumlah 35 DAMIU. </span></span></span></span></span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Analisis univariat dan bivariat menggunakan uji Fisher.</span></span></span></span></span></span></p> <p><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Hasil: Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa tidak ada hubungan antara higiene penjamah dengan keberadaan bakteri Escherichia Coli (p=0,19&gt;0,05). </span></span></span></span></span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Air Gemuruh.</span></span></span></span></span></span></p> <p><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Kesimpulan dan Saran: Disimpulkan bahwa tidak ada hubungan dengan keberadaan bakteri Escherichia Coli pada higiene penjamah. </span></span></span></span></span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Disarankan bagi Dinas Kesehatan untuk mengoptimalkan pelaksanaan pengawasan higiene sanitasi dan melakukan kebijakan penerapan yang telah ditetapkan serta memotivasi pengusaha agar selalu menerapkan prinsip higiene sanitasi.</span></span></span></span></span></span></p> <p><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Kata Kunci: Escherichia Coli, Higiene Penjamah, DAMIU.</span></span></span></span></span></span></p> 2024-07-22T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Electronic Journal Scientific of Environmental Health And Disease HUBUNGAN STATUS EKONOMI DAN PERAN PERTUGAS KESEHATAN TERHADAP PENGELOLAAN SALURAN PEMBUANGAN AIR LIMBAH (SPAL) RUMAH TANGGA DI WILAYAH KERJA PUSKESMAS SANGGARAN AGUNG KABUPATEN KERINCI TAHUN 2023 2023-11-20T10:24:15+07:00 Ameliza Qamara Dinda Andy Amir Fitria Eka Putri <p>Sewerage is a drain used to dispose and collect waste water from bathrooms, washing places, kitchens (not from latrines). Data from the Kerinci District Health Office shows that the percentage of SPAL ownership in the working area of the Sanggaran Agung Health Center is 76.20%. This study aims to determine factors related to the management of household wastewater sewerage (SPAL) in the working area of the Sanggaran Agung Health Center, Kerinci Regency in 2023. This type of research is Quantitative with Cross Sectional approach. The sampling technique uses the Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling Technique with a sampling of 104 households. The study instrument used questionnaires and observation sheets. The analysis of this study used univariate and biavariate analysis with chi square test. The results of the analysis showed that 66.3% of respondents did not meet the SPAL requirements and there was a relationship between Economic Status (P-Value = 0.001), the role of officers (P Value = 0.000) on the management of household wastewater sewerage (SPAL) in the working area of the Sanggaran Agung Health Center</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Wastewater sewerage management (SPAL), Economic Status, Role of Health Workers</p> 2024-07-22T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Electronic Journal Scientific of Environmental Health And Disease OVERVIEW OF THE USE OF THE ONLINE SERVICE REGISTRATION SYSTEM (QUEUE) BY HEALTH BPJS PATIENTS AT THE PKM PAAL X JAMBI CITY IN 2023 2023-11-19T18:44:41+07:00 Nur Putri Septiani Sri Rosianti Rini Kartika <p><strong><em>Background</em></strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">: Society have to come early to queue for registration at the Puskesmas and have to wait for a relatively long time. On the other hand, after the existence of the Health Social Security Administering Agency (BPJS), the Community Health Center was overwhelmed in dealing with the buildup of patient queues. To overcome this problem, a system has been developed that can make patient waiting times shorter, faster and more effective, namely an online service registration (queue) system via the Mobile JKN (National Health Insurance) application. However, the number of patients registering online at the Paal X Community Health Center is still very low.</span></em></p> <p><strong><em>Method</em></strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">: The research used a mix method by using questionnaire for PKM Paal X patient and interview with registration officer, PIC of Health BPJS, and one of the PKM Paal X patient. 40 respondents was involved with this research.</span></em></p> <p><strong><em>Result</em></strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">: From the result of the questionnaire, Most respondents had a good level of knowledge of 80% followed by a poor level of knowledge of 20%. 19 respondents (47.5%) had never registered for services (queuing) online because they did not know the steps and did not know if the system ia available at Paal X Puskesmas. The low level of utilization of this system is caused by the provision of information and promotion to patients which is still not optimal. This is due to the unavailability of supporting media for the delivery of information and promotions at the Paal X Puskesmas.</span></em></p> <p><strong><em>Conclusion</em></strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">: Patient knowledge at Paal X Health Center regarding the online service registration system (queue) is good, but the use of the system is still lacking due to the provision of information and promotions to patients that are not optimal.</span></em></p> <p><strong><em>Keyword</em></strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">: Utilization, Online Registration, BPJS Health</span></em></p> 2024-07-22T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Electronic Journal Scientific of Environmental Health And Disease Kualitas Sanitasi di Sekolah dan Dampaknya terhadap Kesehatan dan Gizi Anak : Systematic Literature Review 2024-01-13T14:44:20+07:00 Wahyu Indah Dewi Aurora Armaidi Darmawan <p><strong>Latar Belakang</strong>: Layanan sanitasi yang tidak memadai di sekolah dapat berdampak buruk pada kesehatan dan gizi anak. Tinjauan sistematis ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi dampak kualitas sanitasi di sekolah terhadap kesehatan dan gizi anak.</p> <p><strong>Metode</strong>: Pencarian komprehensif dilakukan di berbagai database termasuk PubMed, Scopus, dan Google Scholar untuk mengidentifikasi studi yang relevan yang diterbitkan antara tahun 2016 hingga 2023. Sebanyak 18 penelitian memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan dimasukkan dalam tinjauan sistematik review.</p> <p><strong>Hasil</strong>: Temuan dari penelitian menunjukkan hubungan yang kuat antara kualitas sanitasi yang buruk di sekolah dan hasil kesehatan yang negatif di antara anak-anak. Hasil kesehatan ini termasuk peningkatan risiko diare, infeksi parasit, dan malnutrisi.</p> <p><strong>Kesimpulan</strong>: Temuan dari tinjauan sistematis ini menyoroti pentingnya meningkatkan kualitas sanitasi di sekolah untuk melindungi dan meningkatkan kesehatan dan gizi anak-anak</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> 2024-07-22T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Electronic Journal Scientific of Environmental Health And Disease HUBUNGAN STATUS GIZI DENGAN TUBERKULOSIS DI PUSKESMAS KOTA JAMBI 2023-11-19T17:17:27+07:00 Khoirunnisa' Mufiidatun Ummah ZA Putri Sari Wulandari Raihanah Suzan Erny Kusdiyah <p><strong>Latar Belakang: </strong>Tuberkulosis (TB) merupakan salah satu dari sepuluh penyebab utama kematian dan penyebab utama penyakit menular. Banyak kasus baru TB dikaitkan dengan kurang gizi.</p> <p><strong>Metode: </strong>Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian analitik dengan menggunakan rancangan <em>case control</em>. Penelitian ini dilakukan di beberapa Puskesmas di Kota Jambi pada Juli hingga November 2021. Hubungan antara TB dan status gizi di analisis menggunakan uji<em> chi-square. </em></p> <p><strong>Hasil: </strong>Jumlah sampel pada penelitian ini masing-masing 100 pasien TB dan non-TB. Pada pasien TB mayoritas berjenis kelamin laki-laki, usia dewasa awal, dengan klasifikasi tuberkulosis paru, pekerjaan sebagai pegawai / swasta, pendidikan SMA, lama minum obat &gt; 2 bulan, tipe pasien kasus baru, nafsu makan baik, tidak terdapat riwayat merokok, dan mayoritas responden dengan status gizi normal. Sedangkan pada pasien non-TB mayoritas berjenis kelamin perempuan, usia lansia awal, pekerjaan sebagai IRT, pendidikan SMA, nafsu makan baik, riwayat merokok tidak ada, dan mayortias responden dengan status gizi gemuk. Hasil analisis statistik didapatkan p value sebesar 0,000. Risiko terjadinya gizi kurus 14,4 kali dan gizi gemuk 0,192 kali.</p> <p><strong>Kesimpulan: </strong>Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara status gizi dengan tuberkulosis di Puskesmas Kota Jambi.</p> <p><strong><em>Kata Kunci: </em></strong><em>Status gizi, indeks massa tubuh, tuberkulosis. </em></p> 2024-07-22T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Electronic Journal Scientific of Environmental Health And Disease THE RELATIONSHIP OF ABO BLOOD GROUP AND THE SEVERITY OF COVID-19 INFECTION AT H ABDUL MANAP HOSPITAL, JAMBI CITY 2023-11-18T22:57:22+07:00 Meitri Diyah Indriasih Hiratna Hiratna Susan Tarawifa <p><strong><em>Background:</em></strong> <em>In early 2020, the Coronavirus disease 2019 became an epidemic and called as a pandemic. One of the risk factors related to COVID-19 is blood type. There are some groups who are at a higher risk of exposure to the corona virus and experience more severe degree of severity. This study aims to determine the relationship between ABO blood type and the severity of COVID-19 infection at H Abdul Manap Hospital, Jambi City.</em><strong><em>Methods: </em></strong><em>This is an observasional analytic study using cross-sectional approach. Data were collected from medical records of COVID-19 patients from May-December 2020 with a final total of 89 samples, then they would be tested using Chi Square test to get the desired results.</em><strong><em>Results</em></strong><em>: The results showed that male patients were higher (53.9%) than female (48.1%). Based on the age range, the highest group was found in 46-59 years (32.6%). Patients with blood type A are more dominant (44.9%). The severity was mostly in the mild-ordinary category (64%). There was no significant association between ABO blood types and the severity of COVID-19 (p=0.94).</em></p> <p><strong><em>Conclusion: </em></strong><em>There was no association between ABO blood types and the severity of COVID-19 statistically.</em></p> 2024-07-22T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Electronic Journal Scientific of Environmental Health And Disease Workshop/Pelatihan Pemilahan Dan Pemanfaatan Sampah Organik - Non Organik Di Lingkungan Perumahan 2024-07-22T08:58:48+07:00 Wahyu Indah Dewi Aurora Ima Maria Erny Kusdiyah Armaidi Darmawan Nuriyah Nuriyah Deri Mulyadi <p><strong>Pendahuluan:</strong> Sampah adalah sisa buangan dari suatu produk atau barang yang sudah tidak digunakan lagi, tetapi masih dapat di daur ulang menjadi barang yang bernilai. Tujuan dari pelatihan ini adalah melatih masyarakat untuk dapat mengidentifikasi sampah organic dan anorganik dan melatih masyarakat untuk dapat memanfaatkan sampah organic dan anorganik menjadi sesuatu yang dapat digunakan kembali.</p> <p><strong>Metode:</strong> Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan adalah dengan workshop/pelatihan mengidentifikasi sampah organic dan anorganik. Kegiatan ini. dilaksanakan pada hari Selasa, 02 Agustus 2022 bertempat di Puskesmas Paal X Kota Jambi. Pelatihan dihadiri oleh 50 peserta masyarakat sekitar yang diajarkan bagaimana cara Pemilahan Dan Pemanfaatan Sampah Organik - Non Organik di rumah..</p> <p><strong>Hasil:</strong>&nbsp; Cara pembuatan ,asukkan tanah secukupnya ke dalam wadah yang telah diisi dengan sampah organik. Siram permukaan tanah tersebut menggunakan air secukupnya. Masukkan sampah organik yang telah dicampur arang sekam(optional) dan kapur pertanian ke dalam wadah. Pastikan sampah disimpan secara merata, siram dengan air yang telah bercampur EM4. Masukkan lagi tanah ke dalam wadah. Tutup wadah dengan rapat dan biarkan sekitar tiga minggu</p> <p><strong>Kesimpulan:</strong> Sampah yang dapat mencegah terkena penyakit-penyakit berbasis lingkungan, mencegah terjadinya banjir, meningkatkan ekonomi, dll. Salah satunya dengan mendaur ulang menjadi pupuk kompos.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Katakunci:</strong> Sampah organic, sampah anorganik</p> 2023-12-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Electronic Journal Scientific of Environmental Health And Disease