Efektivitas Penggunaan Teknik Scaffolding Dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Pada Siswa SMP Swasta Al-Washiliyah Medan
This study aims to determine how the effective use of techniques Scaffolding in mathematics and to determine whether through Scaffolding techniques can improve students' mathematics learning outcomes VIII-A.Jenis research is classroom action research with research instruments such as achievement test consisting of initial tests, the test cycle I to cycle II testing and observation to determine involvement of the student and teacher activities. As the subjects in this study were students of class VIII-A which consists of 30 students. The results of the study to the authors present is as follows. In early tests students get completed by 8 students (27%) and do not pass the study there were 22 students (73%) with the average value was 58.8. Results of the tests performed on the first cycle of 30 students there were 20 (67%) students who completed and incomplete there were 10 children (33%) with the average value was 71.6, and the second cycle of the 30 students there are 28 ( 93%) students who completed and 2 (7%) of students did not complete the average value was 85.6. It can be seen that there is an increase of 40% completeness of the initial tests to the first cycle, completeness increase of 26% from the first cycle to the second cycle. From these results it can be concluded that the use of scaffolding techniques to improve learning outcomes in mathematics
- 2017-09-06 (1)
- 2017-09-06 (1)