Gentala Pendidikan Dasar2025-01-13T15:46:40+07:00Akhmad Faisal Hidayat, Journal Systems<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Title:</strong> Jurnal Gentala Pendidikan Dasar<br /><strong>ISSN:</strong> P-ISSN: <a href="">2614-7092</a> and E-ISSN: <a href="">2621-9611</a><br /><strong>Subject:</strong> Basic Education <a href="">etc</a><br /><strong>Frequency Publish:</strong> Regularly three times a year in March, July and November.<br /><strong>Journal Abbreviation:</strong>Jur. Gen. Ped. Dasar<br /><strong>Language:</strong>English and Indonesia<br /><strong>Indexed at: </strong><a href="">BASE</a>, <a href="">Dimension</a>, <a href="">DOI Crossref</a>, <a href="">Google Scholar</a>, <a href="">Garuda</a>, <a href="">ROAD</a>, and <a href="">SINTA 4</a></p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Jurnal Gentala Pendidikan Dasar is published starting June 2016 with the publication of Volume 1 no 1 June 2016. In June 2017, obtained p-ISSN: 2614-7092; in June 2018, received e-ISSN: 2621-9611.<strong><span lang="en">Jurnal Gentala Pendidikan Dasar has been accredited by SINTA 4 based on the Kemenristekdikti No:36/E/KPT/2019 starting from Volume 2 No. 2 of 2018 to Volume 8 No. 1 of 2023 and</span></strong> <strong>re-accredited</strong> <strong>by SINTA 4 <span lang="en">based on the Kemenristekdikti No:177/E/KPT/2024 starting </span>from Volume 8 No. 1 of 2023 to Volume 12 No. 2 of 2027</strong><strong><span lang="en">. </span></strong>Jurnal Gentala Pendidikan Dasar was published by the Department of Primary School Teacher Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Jambi University. Publish twice a year, every June and December. The journal focuses on the results of research or theoretical studies in Basic Education. This journal contains 10 articles per volume and one number. Editors receive posts that have never been published in other media. Manuscripts are typed in the format as stated in the article template on Jurnal Gentala Pendidikan Dasar. The incoming script is evaluated and edited for uniform format, term, and style of the environment. </p> Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Siswa dalam Pembelajaran IPA melalui Penggunaan Media Gamifikasi Berbasis Realita di Kelas VI SDN Gempolsongo2024-12-18T14:10:35+07:00Anisah Indriana Cahyaniphindriana@gmail.comPutri Tiara<p>The purpose of this study is to detail how sixth graders at SDN Gempolsongo used gamification media based on real-world elements to enhance their scientific understanding of the four basic energy sources: heat, electricity, light, and sound. Classroom action research is used as a descriptive approach (PTK). Sixth graders (eight males and eight females) and their instructors made up the sample for this study. Assessments and observation sheets are used in data collecting procedures. Quantitative descriptive analysis is put to use for the data analysis. Teachers' and students' capacities for learning outcome planning and implementation are both enhanced by the study. Finally, student learning outcomes are improved by using gamification media based on reality.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Hindri Karakter Religius pada Siswa SD Al Islam melalui Budaya Sekolah2024-12-18T14:04:26+07:00Meilani<p><em>This study aims to analyze how the implementation of religious character education through school culture at Al Islam Elementary School. The subjects in this study were students in grades 1A and 4A. This research uses a qualitative method with a case study approach with qualitative data analysis stages including data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. Data collection was obtained through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that school culture activities at Al Islam Elementary School using the habituation method have a series of activities such as the 5S culture, reading asmaul husna and prayers, congregational prayers, istighosah, Friday charity, and cleaning classes. This activity aims to form the next generation of the nation who are not only superior in the academic field but also have good and commendable morals. Supporting factors in the implementation of these activities include the role of the principal and teachers as role models for students, qualified and competent human resources, adequate school facilities, integrated in learning. However, there are challenges faced such as unruly students and bad influences from the environment outside the school. Mutual cooperation, coordination with parents of students is the right solution for the sustainability of planting religious characters through school culture at Al Islam Elementary School</em>.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Meilani Hafizah, Erna Zumrotun Fondasi Moral 2025-01-10T15:28:24+07:00Anisa Rahmananisarahman2244@gmail.comAris WijayaWijayaaris32@gmail.comReh Bunganarehbungana@gmail.comDeny<p>This study discusses the importance of citizenship education in elementary schools as an effort to build the moral foundation of students from an early age. The current shift in moral values within society demands comprehensive character education in schools. Through citizenship education, students are taught their rights and duties as citizens, as well as moral values such as responsibility, honesty, and cooperation. This research aims to examine the role of citizenship education in shaping students' moral character from an early age, focusing on the development of students' personal and social competencies to become good citizens. The study employs a qualitative method with a literature review to analyze various relevant sources. The results of the study indicate that the role of teachers is crucial in integrating citizenship values into the curriculum and guiding students through learning and extracurricular activities. With good moral education, students are expected to grow into ethical individuals who actively contribute to national development.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Anisa Rahman, Aris Wijaya, Reh Bungana, Deny Setiawan Buku Tentang Peradaban Energi Listrik Berbasis PJBL untuk Menumbuhkan Karakter Senang Belajar2024-12-18T14:02:18+07:00Cindy Gupita Sariangelinacindys05@gmail.comGregorius Ari Nugrahanta<p>A love of learning character is understood as a character that encourages an individual to experience positive feelings such as optimism, curiosity, persistence, consciousness, logic, competence, expertise, dedication, calmness, and confidence in acquiring new knowledge. Learning conditions that only prioritize academic knowledge over children's interests, talents, and potential are considered less effective learning, which can decrease the child’s authentic learning interest and even lead to a crisis. The aim of this research was to develop a book on electric energy civilization based on Project Based Learning to foster a love of learning character. The method used in this research was the ADDIE type of Research and Development (R&D). Ten certified teachers from different areas were involved in needs analysis, ten validators consisting of five experts and five teachers (practitioners) were involved for expert judgment, and eight children participated in limited product application testing. The results of the research showed that 1) books on electric energy civilization based on Project Based Learning to foster a love of learning character were developed using ADDIE measures; 2) the quality of the book fell within the “Very good” range (3.99 on a scale of 1-4) and did not require revision; 3) the application of the book had a significant influence on the love of learning character (p < 0.05) with a large effect size (r = 0.98), equivalent to 96%. The degree of efficiency of the application was high (N gain score = 94.264%).</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Cindy Gupita Sari dalam Bahasa: Melatih Kemampuan Berkomunikasi untuk Siswa SD2024-12-18T14:00:34+07:00Maharani Ritongacekgurani@gmail.comMara Untung Ritongaritonga.unimed@gmail.comKhairil<p>The background to this research is the importance of developing effective communication skills from an early age, especially considering the role of communication in social and academic life. Pragmatic abilities, which include understanding and using language in social contexts, are the main focus in efforts to improve elementary school students' communication skills. This research aims to examine the importance of teaching pragmatics in language to elementary school (SD) students in order to improve communication skills and evaluate the impact of learning pragmatics towards students' social interactions. .The methods used include observations, interviews, and pedagogical interventions in the form of role plays, group discussions, and situational exercises designed to increase students' pragmatic awareness. The research results show that students become better able to understand the context of a conversation, adapt their language style to the person they are talking to, and show an increase in self-confidence when communicating. students who were involved in pragmatics training showed significant improvements in their communication abilities, both in speaking and listening skills. So it can be concluded that the integration of pragmatics teaching in the language curriculum at elementary school level can make an important contribution in forming better communication skills in students. The implementation of learning strategies that focus on real situations and social interactions is recommended in the curriculum to optimize the development of students' communication skills from an early age.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Maharani Ritonga, Mara Untung Ritonga, Khairil Ansari A GOOD CITIZEN: THE ESSENCE OF CITIZENSHIP2025-01-13T14:05:51+07:00Juliana Dwi Arifinleadwi12@gmail.comRinny Sartikatkbundarinnysartika@gmail.comReh Bunga PArehbungana@gmail.comDeny<p>This research aims to describe citizenship science as an important field of study for understanding the rights and obligations of individuals as citizens and their role in national and state life. This study emphasizes the importance of explaining the definition of citizenship science, the purpose of studying it, and its relationship with other scientific disciplines. Apart from that, it discusses the human rights that citizens have and their obligations towards the state and society, as well as the importance of balance between the two. The basic values of citizenship, especially Pancasila, are identified as moral guidelines that must be implemented in everyday life as well as a deep understanding of citizenship to create a just, responsible and competitive society on the global stage. The research approach used is a qualitative research study. cases according to the research focus. The data collection technique used in this research is Literature Study. The research results show that a good understanding of citizenship will encourage individuals to play an active role in society, maintain a balance between rights and obligations, and contribute to the development of a better nation.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 juliana dwi arifin, RINNY SARTIKA; Reh Bunga PA, Reh Bunga PA, Deny Setiawan Learning Ownership and Learning Traditions of Pre-Service Teachers During Teaching Internship2024-11-30T17:18:04+07:00Marites Ayu<p>The teaching Internship Program is the culmination of all the theoretical knowledge gained from the academe and its application to natural settings of education. Its success accurately measures pre-service teachers' competencies and the relevance and effectiveness of teacher education curricula. However, there is a difference between the learning experiences in the academe and those in the actual classroom environment. This study explored the meaningful learning experiences of the pre-service teachers through their narrative reflections. This study used a qualitative research design to investigate the emphasis in the teaching internship experiences on learning ownership and learning trajectory of the forty-four (44) Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEED) pre-service teachers during the teaching internship program. The participants' narrative reflections are the data for the study. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data. The results revealed solid evidence of the participants' ownership of learning: understanding learners, teachers' professional identities, and self-proclaimed perspectives in teaching. There is also a trend in the learning trajectory characterized by different phases of learning demonstrated among the participants as time progressed during the internship. </p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Marites Antonio Influence of Management, Learning Environment, and Academic Stress on Students' Psychology of Elementary School Teacher Education (PGSD) Study Program Students in the Era of Technology2024-11-30T16:28:27+07:00fauzanfauzanahmadd566@gmail.comYundi FitrahFM14071991@gmail.comAde KusmanaFM14071991@gmail.comBunga Ayu WulandariFM14071991@gmail.comRobi<p>This study aims to analyze the influence of classroom management, learning environment, and academic stress on the psychology of students of the Elementary Education Study Program (PGSD) at Jambi University within the framework of technology-based education. Quantitative methodology was used to collect data from 230 active PGSD students using a courage questionnaire. Data analysis used Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). This study tested six hypotheses: Learning environment (X1) has a positive effect on student psychology (Y1). P-value: 0.018 (Supported); Hypothesis 2: Classroom management (X2) has a positive effect on the learning environment (X1). P-value: 0.045 (Supported); Hypothesis 3: Classroom management (X2) has a negative effect on academic stress (X3). P-value: 0.000 (Supported); H4: Academic stress (X3) has a positive effect on student psychology (Y1). P-value: 0.034 (Supported); H5: Classroom management (X2) has a positive effect on students’ psychology (Y1). P-value: 0.021 (Supported); Hypothesis 6: Learning environment (X1) has a positive effect on academic stress (X3). P-value: 0.000 (Confirmed). The results of the study indicate that the sixth hypothesis is supported by significant findings. A conducive learning environment and competent classroom management reduce academic stress and improve students’ psychological well-being. Academic stress significantly affects students’ psychology, depending on its intensity. These findings highlight the importance of an effectively managed learning environment and classroom in improving students’ mental health. This study is limited to one university and relies on self-reported data. Future studies should investigate a more heterogeneous population and integrate qualitative methodologies to encompass a broader range of students’ perspectives. This study offers important insights for educators and policymakers to improve teaching practices and promote children’s psychological well-being in PGSD programs.</p>2024-12-03T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 fauzan, Yundi Fitrah, Ade Kusmana, Bunga Ayu Wulandari, Robi Hendra Towards Technology and its Impact to Student Learning2025-01-13T15:46:40+07:00Michael Ayu<p>The study employed 60 first year students, 35 females and 25 males. Data collection is through questionnaires adopted from an open source. The responses of the respondents were collected, tabulated and described.<br>The respondents enjoyed the use of technology. They do not avoid the use of technology and do not consider that it takes time in using it. They do not consider the technology intimidating them nor threatening them. They believed that the students should know how to use the technology properly. They were very confident when it comes to working with technology at home, at work and in the school. Generally, their attitude towards technology is positive. Both males and females have signified interest and positive behavior towards the use of technology.<br>The respondents use technology every day. They were smart phones users and believed that the technology helps in their educational pursuits. The respondents have experienced to have cheated using the technology. Ways that can further enhance their learning experiences were personalized learning, interactive content, collaboration with peers and real time feedback. They believe, that their teaches have adequate training in integrating technology and hopes that the technology will rare a continuous impact in the future. <br>The respondents have embraced the technology, and perceived that it has greater role in their learning experiences</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Michael Mananghaya, Yundi Fitrah, Ade Kusmana, Bunga Ayu Wulandari Situations in Ethnomathematics Learning2024-12-18T14:56:32+07:00Supriadi<p>The purpose of this study is to analyze the didactical situations experienced by elementary school students when learning mathematics through traditional games. The traditional game examined is the egg game from Sundanese culture in West Java, Indonesia. This qualitative study involved 524 students from grades 1 to 6 in elementary school and grade 1 in junior high school during the initial stages of didactical design. The revised didactical design stage involved 304 elementary school students. Data collection instruments included learning obstacle tests, worksheets, documentation, and observations. The findings revealed epistemological obstacles in understanding mathematical concepts such as addition, subtraction, integers, and fractions. Through iterative didactical design and revisions, ethnomathematics-based teaching materials incorporating the egg game were developed, demonstrating alignment between teacher predictions and student responses. The results suggest that traditional games can serve as effective tools to make mathematics learning more engaging, accessible, and culturally relevant</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Supriadi Supri