Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Peternakan 2024-11-01T00:00:00+07:00 M. Afdal Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Peternakan</strong></p> <p><strong>Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Peternakan (JIIIP)</strong>, with registered number p-ISSN : <a href=""><strong>1410-7791</strong></a> e-ISSN <a href=""><strong>2528-0805</strong></a> is a scientific journal focusing on all aspects of animal science. The journal was published since 1998 by the <strong>Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Jambi</strong> in collaboration with <a href=""><strong>Asosiasi Ilmu Nutrisi Indonesia (AINI)</strong></a>.</p> <p><strong>Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Peternakan</strong> has been publishing twice a year, <strong>May</strong> and <strong>November</strong> and in indexed by the <a href=";hl=en"><strong>Google Scholar</strong></a><strong>, </strong><a href=""><strong>Sinta</strong></a><strong>, </strong><a href=""><strong>Garuda</strong></a><strong>, <a href="">WorldCat</a>, <a href=";name=&amp;oaboost=1&amp;newsearch=1&amp;refid=dcbasen">BASE</a>, <a href=";requestCount=0&amp;db=edsdoj&amp;an=edsdoj.077aff8a29045b8854ad93057dadcf6">EBSCO</a>, <a href="">ROAD</a>, <a href="">CORE</a>, <a href="">ISJD</a>, </strong><a href=";or_facet_source_title=jour.1320829"><strong>Dimensions</strong></a><strong>, </strong><a href=";from_ui=yes"><strong>Crossref</strong></a><strong>, </strong><a href=""><strong>DOAJ</strong></a><strong>, </strong><a href=""><strong>Universiteit Leiden</strong></a><strong>, </strong><a href=";f%5Beds_publication_type_facet%5D%5B%5D=Academic+Journals&amp;f%5Beds_search_limiters_facet%5D%5B%5D=Direct+access+to+full+text&amp;search_field=source&amp;q=jurnal+ilmiah+ilmu-ilmu+peternakan+"><strong>Standford Library</strong></a><strong>,</strong> and <a href=""><strong>Livivo</strong></a></p> <p><strong>Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Peternakan</strong> accepts <strong>English Article</strong> and <strong>Bahasa Indonesia</strong> within the focus and scope of this journal are<strong> Animal Breeding and Genetics;</strong> <strong>Animal Reproduction and Physiology; Feed and Nutrition; Animal Products; Animal Biotechnology; Animal Health; Animal Behaviour and Welfare; Environment, Management, and Socio-Economics</strong></p> <p>Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Peternakan (JIIIP) has been accredited as a <strong><a href="">4th Grade Scientific Journal (Sinta-4)</a></strong> by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of Indonesia (KEMENDIKBUDRISTEK RI), and <a href="">others indexing</a>.</p> Effect Pengaruh Pemberian Tepung Kunyit dalam Ransum yang Mengandung Bawang Hitam Terhadap Retensi Lemak Kasar Ayam Broiler 2024-06-05T06:05:48+07:00 M. Aqmal Aprilla Hasan Rifqi Nadela Marpaung Nurhayati Nurhayati Nelwida Nelwida Berliana Berliana <p><strong>Background:</strong> The nutritional quality of animal feed is the most important factor when using and selecting animal feed ingredients. One of the determinants of the quality of feed ingredients or rations is looking at the retention of feed substances, namely how much feed substances are retained in the digestive tract, efforts to improve and optimize the retention of feed substances by adding feed additive such as turmeric flour and black garlic. <strong>Purpose:</strong> This study aims to see how turmeric flour is used in rations containing black garlic on crude fat retention in broiler chickens. <strong>Methods:</strong> This study used 200 DOC of broiler chickens strain MB 202 and was designed by a completely randomized design (CRD) with 5 treatments and 4 replicates. The treatments consisted of P0 = 100% commercial ration (control), P1 = P0 + 3% black garlic, P2 = P1 + 0.5% turmeric flour, P3 = P1 + 1% turmeric flour, P4 = P1 + 1.5% turmeric flour. The variables observed in this study were dry matter retention, organic matter retention, and crude fat retention. Data were processed using analysis of variance and Duncan's multiple range test followed the significant effect. <strong>Results:</strong> The results showed that the use of turmeric flour in rations containing black garlic had a significant increase (P&lt;0.05) in dry matter consumption and organic matter consumption but had no significant effect (P&gt;0.05) on excretion and retention of dry matter, organic matter, and crude fat. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> From the results of this study it can be concluded that the use of turmeric flour up to 1.5% in rations containing 3% black garlic can be used without any adverse effect on the retention of crude fat in the digestive tract.</p> 2024-11-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 M Aqmal Aprilla Hasan, Rifqi Nadela Marpaung, Nurhayati, Nelwida, Berliana Pengaruh Penambahan Infusa Daun Pandan Wangi (Pandanus amaryllifolius) dalam Air Minum terhadap Organ Hati, Jantung, Limpa dan Usus 2024-07-29T05:48:30+07:00 Sarah Nadia Sihombing Toni Malvin Nelzi Fati Nilawati Nilawati <p><strong>Background: </strong>Pandan wangi leaves (<em>Pandanus amaryllifolius</em>) contain bioactive compounds such as alkaloids, flavonoids and tannins which have antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. <strong>Purpose:</strong> This study aims to determine the effect of adding pandan wangi leaf infusion to drinking water on the weight and percentage of liver, heart, spleen, intestine length and intestine weight of broilers. <strong>Methods: </strong>This research used 100 broiler chickens without sex separation which were randomly divided into 20 experimental units. Each experimental unit consisted of 5 chickens. Chickens were kept for 4 weeks, and data collection was carried out in week 4 at harvest. This research used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) method with 4 treatments of pandan wangi leaf infusion in drinking water and with 5 replications. Each treatment was: P0: without adding pandan wangi leaf infusion, P1: adding 1% pandan wangi leaf infusion in water. drinking, P2: adding 2% pandan wangi leaf infusion to drinking water, and P3: adding 3% pandan wangi leaf infusion to drinking water. <strong>Results:</strong> The results showed that the treatment of adding pandan wangi leaf infusion to drinking water had a significant effect on spleen weight (P&lt;0.05). The results of the study showed that the treatment of adding pandan wangi leaf infusion to drinking water had no significant effect (P&gt;0.05) on liver, heart, intestine length and intestine weight of broilers. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> Based on the results of the research and discussion, it can be concluded that the physiological response of broilers to give pandan wangi leaf infusion in drinking water has a significant effect on spleen weight (P&lt;0.05), but has no significant effect on liver, heart, intestine weight and intestine length (P&gt; 0.05). The addition of pandan wangi leaf infusion up to 3% in drinking water can be tolerated on the weight of liver, heart, intestines and intestine length of broilers</p> 2024-10-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Sarah Nadia Sihombing, Toni Malvin, Nelzi Fati, Nilawati Prevalence of Fasciolosis Among Cattle in The Ambon’s Slaughterhouse 2024-09-17T22:35:44+07:00 Jusak Labetubun Astri Dwyanti Tagueha <p><strong>Background:</strong> <em>Fasciola spp. </em>are well-known parasites with outstanding adaptation, contributing to infection among various ruminants, and causing zoonotic infections worldwide over the last three decades, especially in developing countries. However, their presence has been underestimated as a public health concern. The slaughterhouse is an authorized facility that provides safe and healthy meat; therefore, routine inspection for any zoonotic disease should be performed. <strong>Purpose: </strong>This study aimed to assess the prevalence of fasciolasis in cattle at an Ambon slaughterhouse. <strong>Methods:</strong> Fresh feces were collected from 42 cattle and the presence of <em>Fasciola spp. </em>using the sedimentation method. Data were descriptively analyzed, and Fisher’s exact test and odds ratio analysis were used to identify the association between risk factors. <strong>Results: </strong>The overall prevalence of fasciolasis was found to be 7.14%. Cattles &gt; 2 years old were 5.33 times more at risk than younger ones, while cattle from Seram Island were 13 times more susceptible to fasciolasis. No noticeable discrepancies were observed in the prevalence rates of bulls and cows. This study revealed that infection occurred before cattle departure, which started at their origin and was associated with age as an intrinsic factor. The physiological status, geographic conditions, and management systems are predicted to provide a suitable niche for the parasite life cycle. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> Although the rate of infection was low, it should be considered a risk and appropriately handled before sale. As this study was the first to investigate Fasciola infection in Ambon slaughterhouses, further studies are recommended to reveal other possible risk factors.</p> 2024-10-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jusak Labetubun, Astri Dwyanti Tagueha Analisis Pemasaran dan Pendapatan Pedagang Sapi PO Kebumen Siap Potong di Pasar Hewan Argopeni Kecamatan Kebumen Kabupaten Kebumen 2024-09-20T22:32:34+07:00 Ismawatun Ismawatun Nunur Nuraeni <p><strong>Background:</strong> This research is to determine the income of ready-to-slaughter PO Kebumen cattle traders and their marketing flow at the Argopeni Market, Kebumen District, Kebumen Regency. <strong>Purpose: </strong>This research aims to determine the percentage of sales of ready-to-slaughter PO Kebumen cattle using blantik and without blantik services at the Argopeni Animal Market, Kebumen Regency, to determine the income of ready-to-slaughter PO Kebumen cattle traders at the Argopeni Animal Market, Kebumen Regency, and to determine the influence of the profile of PO cattle traders Kebumen ready to cut as an independent variable consisting of age, experience and education on income as the dependent variable. <strong>Methods:</strong> This research is descriptive research using a survey method using a questionnaire instrument for data collection. The sampling technique in this research used a census where the sample of PO Kebumen cattle traders ready for slaughter was 10 people. The data analysis technique used to test the hypothesis is multiple linear regression analysis. <strong>Results:</strong> The results of the variance analysis show that the variables age, experience and education have a significant effect (P&gt;0.05) on the income of ready-to-slaughter PO Kebumen cattle traders. The marketing channel for ready-to-slaughter PO Kebumen cattle at the Argopeni Animal Market which uses blantik services is 92% and those without blantik are 8%. The average income of PO Kebumen cattle traders ready for slaughter at the Kebumen Argopeni Animal Market is IDR 28,002,000/month. Based on the Multiple R value of 0.844, it shows that there is a very strong correlation between age, experience and education and income. <strong>Conclusion: </strong>Based on the research results, it can be concluded that age, experience and education simultaneously have a correlation with the income of ready-to-slaughter PO Kebumen cattle traders at the Argopeni Animal Market.</p> 2024-10-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ismawatun, Nunur Nuraeni Kualitas Fisik Daging Dada Ayam Broiler yang Didinginkan dalam Refrigerator Sebelum Penyimpanan Beku 2024-09-20T05:59:39+07:00 Afriani Afriani Eka Angriani Abdul Azis <p><strong>Background:</strong> Broiler chicken meat has high nutritional content that makes it susceptible to damage due to the growth and development of microorganisms, which thrive in its nutrient-rich environment. <strong>Purpose:</strong> The objective of this study aims at determining the impact of refrigerated storage duration prior to frozen storage on the physical quality of broiler chicken breast meat (pH, water binding capacity, and cooking loss). <strong>Methods:</strong> This study was conducted using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 (four) treatments and 5 (five) replications. The research treatment was the cooling of chicken breast meat before freezing. The cooling periods were as follows: frozen without direct cooling (P0); 2 hours cooling (P1); 4 hours cooling (P2); 6 hours cooling (P3). The physical quality measurements included pH, water binding capacity, and cooking loss. The data obtained were analyzed by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and the results that had a significant effect were further tested by Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT). <strong>Results:</strong> The refrigeration treatment had a significant impact on the pH values, water binding capacity, and cooking loss values (P&lt;0.05). The pH values, water binding capacity, and cooking loss values were the highest in P0 (without cooling), which underwent no cooling prior to freezing. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> The duration of the refrigeration period prior to freezing had significant impacts such as a decrease in pH values, an increase in water binding capacity, and a decrease in cooking loss values of the broiler chicken breast meat. The application of a six-hour refrigeration period prior to frozen storage was observed to produce pH values, water binding capacity, and cooking loss values that remained within the range of good physical quality of broiler chicken breast meat.</p> 2024-10-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Afriani Afriani, Eka Angriani, Abdul Azis Respon Fisiologis Ayam KUB dari Penambahan Probiotik Rayakemo dalam Air Minum 2024-08-16T21:46:41+07:00 Rahmat Martua Siregar Devi Kumala Sari Nelzi Fati <p><strong>Background:</strong> Rayakemo probiotics (tape yeast, yakult, old coconut water and molasses) contain beneficial microorganisms such as Lactobacillus casei and Saccharomyces which can provide health benefits to the host. <strong>Purpose:</strong> This study aims to determine the effect of adding Rayakemo probiotics to drinking water on the weight percentage of the spleen, liver, heart, small intestine and length of the small intestine of KUB chickens. <strong>Method:</strong> This research was carried out for two months, from March to May, in the Payakumbuh State Agricultural Polytechnic chicken coop. A total of 100 KUB chickens were used without separating gender and randomly divided into 20 experimental units, with each unit consisting of 5 KUB chickens. The chickens were kept for 8 weeks and data was collected in the 8th week at harvest. The method used in this research was the RAL method (Completely Randomized Design) with 4 treatments and 5 replications. Each treatment is: A: drinking water without Rayakemo probiotics, B: 3% Rayakemo probiotics + drinking water, C: 6% Rayakemo probiotics + drinking water and D: 9% Rayakemo probiotics + drinking water. <strong>Results:</strong> The results showed that the addition of Rayakemo probiotics to drinking water on the weight percentage of spleen, liver, heart, small intestine and small intestine length of KUB chickens had no significant effect (P&gt;0.05). <strong>Conclusion:</strong> The addition of Rayakemo probiotics in drinking water did not significantly affect the spleen, liver, heart, small intestine weight and small intestine length. The addition of Rayakemo probiotics in drinking water up to 9% can be tolerated by broilers against the spleen, liver, heart, small intestine weight and small intestine length.</p> 2024-11-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rahmat Martua Siregar, Nelzi Fati, Devi Kumala Sari Evaluasi Nilai Nutrisi Jerami Padi Direct dan Indirect dengan Metode Amoniasi dan Fermentasi (Amofer) sebagai Pakan Ternak 2024-09-26T19:59:18+07:00 Diah Fridayati Koji Al Adam Raudhah Raudhah Nanda Fatmala Yayuk Kurnia Risna <p><strong>Background:</strong> The widespread burning of rice straw has caused significant air pollution. <strong>Purpose:</strong> This study aims to utilize rice straw as livestock feed through indirect ammoniation and fermentation technology, considering the duration of fermentation. <strong>Methods:</strong> The research was conducted at the MIPA Laboratory of Almuslim University and the BSPJI Banda Aceh Laboratory, from 01 June – 23 August 2024. The study used rice straw waste and employed a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of 4 treatments with 3 replications each. The treatments included P0 (Control/no treatment), P1 (7 days of fermentation), P2 (14 days of fermentation), and P3 (21 days of fermentation). The observed parameters were crude protein and crude fat content. The data obtained were analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). <strong>Results:</strong> The average value of crude protein percentage obtained from direct and indirect methods obtained the highest value in treatment P3, namely 11.12 and 7.14, while the lowest value in treatment P0, namely 7.92 and 4.86. The average value of crude fat percentage obtained from direct and indirect methods obtained the highest value in treatment P3, namely 1.71 and 1.51, while the lowest value in treatment P0, namely 1.09 and 1.44. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> From the results above, it can be concluded that rice straw amofer has a significant indirect effect (P&gt;0.05) on crude protein levels.</p> 2024-11-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Diah Fridayati, Koji Al Adam, Raudhah, Nanda Fatmala, Yayuk Kurnia Risna Analisis Pemasaran dan Pendapatan Pedagang Bibit Sapi PO Kebumen di Pasar Hewan Argopeni Kecamatan Kebumen Kabupaten Kebumen 2024-09-25T12:29:27+07:00 Miftakhu Rohman Nunur Nuraeni <p><strong>Background</strong>: This study aims to determine the income of PO Kebumen cattle calf traders and their marketing flow at Argopeni Market, Kebumen District, Kebumen Regency. This study was conducted in July - August 2024 at the Argopeni Animal Market, Kebumen District, Kebumen Regency. <strong>Objectives</strong>: This study aims to determine the percentage of PO Kebumen cattle seed sales using blantik services and without blantik at the Argopeni Animal Market, Kebumen Regency, to determine the amount of income of PO Kebumen cattle seed traders at the Argopeni Animal Market, Kebumen Regency, and to determine the effect of the profile of PO Kebumen cattle seed traders as independent variables consisting of age, experience and education on income as dependent variables. <strong>Methods</strong>: This study is a descriptive study using a survey method using a questionnaire instrument in data collection. The sampling technique in this study used a census where the sample of PO Kebumen cattle seed traders was 20 people. The data analysis technique used to test the hypothesis is multiple linear regression analysis. <strong>Results</strong>: The results of the study showed the correlation coefficient of multiple linear regression for the income of PO Kebumen cattle seed traders at the Argopeni Animal Market, Kebumen District, obtained the following regression line equation: Y = 69563504.49 + -823614.803X1 + 513154.4409 X2 + -1925899.81 X3. Based on the Multiple R value of 0.419, there is a very strong correlation between age, experience and education with income. The results of the analysis of variance showed that the variables of age, experience and education had a significant effect (P&gt;0.05) on the income of PO Kebumen cattle seed traders. The marketing channel for PO Kebumen cattle seeds at the Argopeni Animal Market that uses blantik services is 77.25% and those without blantik are 22.75%. The average income of PO Kebumen cattle seed traders at the Argopeni Animal Market, Kebumen is Rp. 21,423,500,-/month. <strong>Conclusion</strong>: Based on the Multiple R value of 0.419, it shows that there is no correlation between age, experience and education and income.</p> 2024-11-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Miftakhu Rohman, Nunur Nuraeni Penerapan Good Farming Practices Sapi Potong di Distrik Masni, Kabupaten Manokwari 2024-10-13T23:46:12+07:00 Oeng Anwarudin Hotmauli Febriana Pardosi Asri Takke Paya <p><strong>Background</strong>: Efforts to develop beef cattle breeders have been implemented with various efforts such as community extension and empowerment, capital assistance, farmer institutional development, and artificial insemination programs. These activities should have an impact on the application of good beef cattle farming. <strong>Objectives</strong>: The study aimed to determine the extent of the application of Good Farming Practices (GFP) and what factors determine the application of Good Farming Practices. <strong>Methods</strong>: This research was conducted in Masni District, Manokwari Regency, West Papua Province. The series of research activities were carried out from February to July 2024. The number of samples was 50 respondents with Proportionate cluster random sampling technique. This research is quantitative research with data analysis methods, namely descriptive statistical analysis and multiple regression. <strong>Results</strong>: The results showed that the implementation of GFP of farmers was in the medium category. The condition of GFP implementation in Masni District is that most farmers have access to transportation, feed and clean water, and are free from clinical anthrax disease. However, it is necessary to increase the application of GFP in the amount of feeding, mating, housing, recording and animal welfare. Factors influencing the application of GFP are institutional support which includes farmer institutions such as farmer groups and farmer group associations, government, and the Agricultural Extension Center. <strong>Conclusion</strong>: Farmers have not implemented beef cattle GFP optimally. Improving the implementation of GFP can be done through strengthening institutional support which includes the support of farmer institutions, government and Agricultural Extension Center support.</p> 2024-11-12T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Oeng Anwarudin, Hotmauli Febriana Pardosi, Asri Takke Paya Pengaruh Populasi, Jumlah Pemotongan, Hasil Produksi Ternak terhadap Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB), dan Penanaman Modal Dalam Negeri (PMDN) 2024-07-11T12:00:53+07:00 Hartati Hartati Awal Indut Prakasa Nur Kholis Ihsan Hilmi <p><strong>Background</strong>: Sustainable livestock development is a major factor in livestock development. Livestock business development is directly related to the livestock population in Indonesia. The livestock population must be able to be a success factor for livestock development. Animal husbandry must be able to produce superior livestock populations and increase income. Livestock population is closely related to investment, meaning that the potential and opportunities can provide added value to the livestock business. Livestock investment in Indonesia over the past few years has increased significantly. The proof of this is the increase based on the 2023 Animal Husbandry and Animal Health Statistics data, namely the Livestock GDP in 2022 of IDR178.1 trillion (at constant prices) or an increase of 6.24% from 2021. Livestock GDP of Rp298.0 trillion (at current prices), contributed 16.51% to the GDP of the Agricultural Sector. Meanwhile, the result of the realisation of DCI investment in Animal Husbandry in 2022 was RpR3.9 trillion or an increase of 82.74% (an increase compared to 2021). The livestock sub-sector has a positive effect on increasing the value of GDP, GRDP, and DCI in Indonesia. This means that the value of GDP and DCI is also influenced by the value of the contribution of the livestock sub-sector in Indonesia. The challenge of the livestock sub-sector is to be able to meet the needs of larger livestock resources and the expansion of infrastructure in the livestock sector. There is an influence of the relationship between sustainable livestock development and the number of livestock populations. If the livestock population is high, it can increase the productivity of livestock. <strong>Reviews: </strong>This paper will briefly review the livestock sub-sector, namely the Effect of Population, Total Slaughter, Livestock Production on Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and Domestic Capital Investment (DCI).</p> 2024-10-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Hartati, Awal Indut Prakasa, Nur Kholis, Ihsan Hilmi