
  • Alesia Epra Sopia
  • Willia Novita Eka Rini
  • Fitria Eka Putri



Background: The sanitation program is a human effort in realizing and ensuring environmental conditions, especially the availability of clean water and adequate waste disposal. The implementation of the Sanitation program in elementary schools is very supportive of environmental health efforts as well as improving and maintaining healthy and good environmental conditions for the health and learning motivation of students, even all elementary school members. Methodt: This study aims to determine the implementation of the Sanitation Program in SD 173434 Pollung, Pollung sub-district, Humbang Hasundutan district, case study method in qualitative research. The research subjects in this study were all school residents. Result:  Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the source of clean water in SD 173434 Pollung comes from the Jet Pump and clean water is sufficient to meet the needs of school residents. Garbage disposal facilities at SD 173434 are not yet available in every room, while the available trash cans are also not equipped with covers. Hand washing facilities at SD 173434 Pollung have been available but these facilities have existed since the covid 19 pandemic. SD 173434 Pollung has latrine/toilet facilities, namely 4 toilets which are divided into 1 male student toilet and 1 female toilet as well as teachers which are divided into 1 male teacher toilet and 1 female teacher toilet. Communication and resources are factors that support the implementation of the sanitation program at SD 173434 Pollung. Conclusion: Overall, the implementation of the sanitation program at SD 173434 Pollung is not in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 1429/MENKES/SK/XII/2006 concerning Guidelines for the Implementation of School Environmental Health.


Keywords: communication, school sanitation, elementary school



Pendahuluan: Program sanitasi merupakan upaya manusia dalam mewujudkan serta menjamin kondisi lingkungan terutama ketersediaan air bersih, dan pembungan limbah yang memadai. Implementasi program Sanitasi di sekolah dasar sangat mendukung dalam upaya penyehatan lingkungan serta meningkatkan dan mempertahankan kondisi lingkungan yang sehat dan baik bagi kesehatan dan motivasi belajar anak didik, bahkan seluruh anggota sekolah dasar. 

Metode: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Implementasi Program Sanitasi di SD 173434 Pollung kecamatan Pollung kabupaten Humbang Hasundutan, metode studi kasusdalam penelitian kualitatif. Subjek penelitian dalam penelitian ini merupakan seluruh warga sekolah.

Hasil: Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa sumber air bersih di SD 173434 Pollung bersumber dari Jet Pump dan air bersih cukup memenuhi kebutuhan warga sekolah. Sarana Tempat Pembuangan sampah di SD 173434 belum tersedia di setiap ruangan, sedangkan tempat sampah yang tersedia juga belum di lengkapi dengan penutup. Sarana cuci tangan di SD 173434 Pollung telah tersedia namun sarana ini ada sejak masa pandemi covid 19. SD 173434 Pollung memiliki sarana jamban/toilet yaitu 4 toilet yang dibagi menjadi 1 toilet murid laki-laki dan 1 toilet perempuan begitu juga dengan guru yang terbagi menjadi 1 toilet guru laki-laki dan 1 toilet guru perempuan. Komunikasi dan Sumber Daya menjadi faktor yang mendukung terwujudnya implementasi program sanitasi di SD 173434 Pollung.

Kesimpulan: Secara keseluruhan  Implementasi Program sanitasi di SD 173434 Pollung belum sesuai dengan Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Nomor 1429/MENKES/SK/XII/2006 tentang Pedoman Penyelenggaraan Kesehatan Lingkungan Sekolah.


Kata Kunci : komunikasi, sanitasi sekolah, sekolah dasar


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How to Cite

Sopia, A. E., Rini, W. N. E. ., & Putri, F. E. (2022). IMPLEMENTASI PROGRAM SANITASI DI SEKOLAH DASAR 173434 POLLUNG KECAMATAN POLLUNG KABUPATEN HUMBANG HASUNDUTAN SUMATERA UTARA 2021. Jambi Medical Journal : Jurnal Kedokteran Dan Kesehatan, 10(3), 374–390. Retrieved from

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