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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

General Format

Manuscripts are prepared electronically on A4 sized documents with 3 cm margins on all sides. The font used is Arial with a size of 12 pts and 1.5 spacing. Manuscripts must be written on an article template document with the Microsoft Office Word application (.doc or .docx extension)


IJPS accepts manuscripts in Indonesian and English. Manuscripts must be written following the rules of good and correct language. Manuscripts written in English have received professional editing/proofreading services as far as possible before being submitted to anticipate grammatical errors including spelling, word usage, grammar, and punctuation.

Components in the Manuscript
Title: written bilingual with sentence case in Indonesian and English; concise and clear and reflects the contents of the manuscript; and no more than 18 words each
Abstract: written bilingual in Indonesian and English; word count 150-200; contains background, objectives, methods, results, and conclusions; equipped with 4-6 keywords / keywords. Abbreviations must be accompanied by their abbreviation at the beginning of their appearance.
Manuscript Systematics: The "Research Article" manuscript is prepared with the following systematics: Title; Abstract; Introduction; Research methods; Results and Discussion; Conclusion; Acknowledgments (if needed); Reference; Table; and Images (according to the template). For the "Review Article" manuscript, the Research Methods section; Results and Discussion, and Conclusions can be replaced with other subtitles following the flow/topic of the review written
Quotations are reading sources or references from the results of other people's ideas or thoughts contained in the text/article written. There are 2 citations used as reference sources in the Indonesian Journal of Pharma Science, namely direct quotations and indirect quotations. Examples of writing citations in IJPS, as follows:

Direct quote

Putu (2008) says that "access is part of an integrated service in a computer database that is utilized by library users to utilize information resources".

Indirect quote

Putu (2008) explains that access is part of an integrated service through a computer database to make it easier for library users to utilize information resources.






Nama penulis (tidak dibalik) (.) Tahun (.) Judul (ditulis tegak) (.) Kota

Terbit (:) Penerbit.


Putu Laxman Pendit. (2008). Perpustakaan digital dari A sampai Z.

Jakarta: Cita Karyakarsa Mandiri.


Research Article/Magazine

Nama penulis (tidak dibalik) (.) Tahun (.) Judul (ditulis tegak) (.)Nama Jurnal (ditulis italic) (,) Vol (.) No (.) (,) Halaman.


Hock-Hai Teo, dkk. (2003). Evaluating information accessibility and community   adaptivity   features   for   sustaining   virtual   learning

communities. Human-Computer Studies, Vol.2, No.3: 671–697.



Nama penulis/Tim (tidak dibalik) (.) Tahun (.) Judul (ditulis tegak) (.)

Materi Seminar (,), Tempat (,) Tanggal.


I Know Reseach Group (2013). Manajemen penerbitan jurnal ilmiah dengan sistem IOJS. Materi Sosialisasi dan Pelatihan “Pengelolaan

Jurnal Ilmiah Elektronik Menggunakan Aplikasi Open Journal System

dan Jurnal Online LIPI, Banjarmasin, 25-27 Juni 2013.



Nama penulis (tidak dibalik) (.) Tahun (.) Judul (ditulis tegak) (.)

Sumber URL [Tanggal Akses]


Joan M. Reitz. (2013) Online dictionary for library and information science  (ODLIS).  [diakses  4  Juli




Penemu (tidak dibalik) (.) Tahun (.) Judul Paten (,) Nomor (.) Kota

Terbit (:) Institusi.


Sutiyono. (2004). Mesin perontok biji jagung, Nomor: IND1234111. Jakarta: Dirjan HAKI-Kemenkumham.


Research Report

Nama penulis (tidak dibalik) (.) Tahun (.) Judul (ditulis tegak) [jenis

laporan] (.) Kota Terbit (:) Penerbit.


Wahid  Nashihuddin.  (2009).  Pengelolaan  koleksi  digital  menurut

Undang-Undang Hak Cipta: studi analisis di Perpustakaan UIN Sunan

Kalijaga Yogyakarta [skripsi]. Yogyakarta: UIN Sunan Kalijaga.



Nama penulis (tidak dibalik) (.) Tahun (.) Judul (ditulis tegak) (.)

Nama Koran/Surat Kabar (,) Hari (,) Tanggal (:)  Halaman.


Anto Alam.  (2013).  Perpustakaan  tempat  belajar  sepanjang  hayat. Media Indonesia, Kamis, 7 Oktober: 1

Writing a bibliography in a manuscript must be consistent. Therefore, The editorial staff of the Indonesian Journal of Pharma Science has determined that the writing of the bibliography in this journal uses the Vancouver format. The author's name and affiliation (author and coauthor) are written in the manuscript metadata section on the website when the manuscript is submitted online.

English Title and Abstract
The title in the English version must be written in the manuscript. For titles containing regional names, they must be accompanied by the word "Indonesia"
The English abstract must be written using the appropriate tense (sentence type).

 Research Methods
Research methods should be divided into several sub-headings according to the topic and type of research. Some examples of relevant sub-headings are for example:
For experimental research: Materials; preparation of plant extracts; extract characterization; Preparation of experimental animals; Evaluation of antidiabetic activity; Data analysis; etc
For observational research: Study design; Population and sample; Data analysis; Conclusion drawing; etc
The name of the tool listed is only the main instrument in the study. General tools such as glassware, syringes, scales, and the like do not need to be listed.
The tools are listed in the sub-section of research methods or procedures that are appropriate (not made in a special paragraph entitled "Tools"). Each tool name must be accompanied by the brand and country of manufacture written in parentheses.

Tables and Figures

The table must meet the following conditions:

The table is given a border / complete line, both on the inside between columns and rows, and on the outside (all borders)
All tables are numbered (Tables 1, 2, etc.) sequentially followed by the table title and placed at the top of the table
The table title is made concise which describes the contents of the table clearly. The title is written in sentence case (capital letters at the beginning of the title sentence)
Symbols or abbreviations in the table are only permitted if accompanied by a description at the bottom of the table
Each table listed must be cited in the text and underlined (Example: " listed in Table 1"; "Table 3 shows the measurement results...")
Each image is placed on a separate page after the reference (according to the template).

Pictures and Graphics
Prepared with sufficient resolution size so that the image can be seen clearly/good in the final publication.
All pictures are numbered (Figure 1, 2, etc.) sequentially followed by a caption and placed at the bottom of the picture.
Captions for images are written in Sentence case (capital letters at the beginning of the sentence).
Images in the form of charts must be accompanied by clear and bold horizontal (x-axis) and vertical (y-axis) title titles. Graphics must also be accompanied by a legend if necessary.
Symbols and abbreviations contained in the image must be explained in the image caption.
Images in the form of micro-photos (such as microscopy results and the like) must be accompanied by magnification information in the image description.
Each figure must be cited in the text and underlined (Example: “ shown in Figure 2”; “Figure 4 shows a spectrum of...”).
Each image is placed on a separate page after the table (according to the template).

IJPS always recommends the use of reputable and up-to-date literature with a minimum number of 20 references by prioritizing primary literature (such as journal articles) compared to secondary literature. Authors are asked to use only primary literature indexed by Google Scholar and have a DOI number as much as possible in order to facilitate reference verification.
At least 80% of references are sources published in the last 10 years
References in the form of website pages are only permitted for articles sourced from the website of an official organization/institution, or a reputable online service.
IJPS uses citation and reference techniques based on the Vancouver style which citation style can also be implemented automatically using the Mendeley application. Authors are strongly advised to take advantage of the reference manager application in preparing manuscripts.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.