
  • Haviza Gustiani Universitas Jambi
  • Muhaimin Muhaimin Universitas Jambi
  • Uce Lestari Universitas Jambi



Dandruff is an anomaly condition on the scalp and one of the causal factor is Pityrosporum ovale. Acanthus ilicifolius leaf a natural substance which is containing of anti-fungi compound, namely alkaloid, flavonoid, tanin, saponin, and steroid. The purpose of this research was to make the formulation of anti-dandruff shampoo preparation of Acanthus ilicifolius Leaf Ethanol Extract with four variations of concentration and to examine the increasing concentration effect of Acanthus ilicifolius Leaf Ethanol Extract in anti-dandruff shmpoo preparation to anti-fungi activity. In this research shampoo preparation with four formulas was made. Each formula contains a different concentration of Acanthus ilicifolius Leaf Ethanol Extract ranging from 5,5-10%. After that the physical properties of the shampoo preparation are evaluated, then an antifungal activity was tested using the well difussion method. The result of this research proved that Acanthus ilicifolius leaf could be formu

Dandruff is an anomaly condition on the scalp and one of the causal factor is Pityrosporum ovale. Acanthus ilicifolius leaf a natural substance which is containing of anti-fungi compound, namely alkaloid, flavonoid, tanin, saponin, and steroid. The purpose of this research was to make the formulation of anti-dandruff shampoo preparation of Acanthus ilicifolius Leaf Ethanol Extract with four variations of concentration and to examine the increasing concentration effect of Acanthus ilicifolius Leaf Ethanol Extract in anti-dandruff shmpoo preparation to anti-fungi activity. In this research shampoo preparation with four formulas was made. Each formula contains a different concentration of Acanthus ilicifolius Leaf Ethanol Extract ranging from 5,5-10%. After that the physical properties of the shampoo preparation are evaluated, then an antifungal activity was tested using the well difussion method. The result of this research proved that Acanthus ilicifolius leaf could be formulated as an anti-dandruff shampoo preparation which was eligible in organoleptic, pH, foam height, water level, viscosity, and specific gravity. One Way Anova test showed that there were the significant difference in the diameter of inhibitory zone and was continued with Tukey HSD test of confidence level showed that the highest inhibitory zone diameter was ini concentration 10% and control (+) Head and Shoulder shampoo while the lowest inhibitory zone diameter was at 5,5% and control (-) aquadest. Based on these data it can be concluded that the higher the concentration of the ethanol extract of the Acanthus ilicifolius leaves, the greater the inhibitory zone formed.

Keywords: Leaves Acanthus ilicifolius, Sampo Antidandruff, Pityrosporum ovale

lated as an anti-dandruff shampoo preparation which was eligible in organoleptic, pH, foam height, water level, viscosity, and specific gravity. One Way Anova test showed that there were the significant difference in the diameter of inhibitory zone and was continued with Tukey HSD test of confidence level showed that the highest inhibitory zone diameter was ini concentration 10% and control (+) Head and Shoulder shampoo while the lowest inhibitory zone diameter was at 5,5% and control (-) aquadest. Based on these data it can be concluded that the higher the concentration of the ethanol extract of the Acanthus ilicifolius leaves, the greater the inhibitory zone formed.


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2020-02-11 — Updated on 2020-02-11


How to Cite

Gustiani, . H., Muhaimin, M., & Lestari, U. (2020). FORMULATION AND TEST ACTIVITIES OF ANTIDANDRUFF SAMPLE OF LEAVES ETHANOL EXTRACT (Acanthus ilicifolius) OF Pityrosporum ovale. Indonesian Journal of Pharma Science, 1(1), 36–47.

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