Implementasi Model Pembelajaran Make a Match untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Materi Pencemaran Lingkungan

(Implementation of the Make a Match Learning Model to Improve Student Learning Outcomes on Environmental Pollution Material)


  • Retno Wulandari Universitas Islam Jember
  • Miftahul Hakim Universitas Islam Jember
  • Benny Afandi



Improving learning outcomes is expected in this study with the Make A Match. The method chosen is classroom action research (CAR). That lesson purpose to improve the results of learning about environmental pollution. Students of VII B class have twelve boys and seven girls are the subject of research. Interviews, observations and tests were worn in the aggregation process. Quantitative descriptive data was utilized in the data analysis process. There was a classical average pre-cluster percentage of 36.84%. In the first semester, the classical average percentile data was 53.13% out of 19 students who were completed 10 and 9 were not complete, and in the second semester those who passed reached 76.31%, namely 15 students, 4 of whom were not complete, it can be said this research was successfully applied.

Abstrak. Meningkatnya hasil belajar diharapkan pada penelitian ini dengan model Make A Match. Metode yang dipilih yaitu Classroom Action Research (CAR). Penelitian bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil pembelajaran tentang pencemaran lingkungan. Siswa kelas VII B yang memiliki dua belas laki-laki dan tujuh perempuan adalah subjek penelitian. Wawancara, observasi dan tes digunakan dalam proses pengumpulan data. Data deskriptif kuantitatif digunakan dalam proses analisis data. Terdapat rata-rata klasikal persentase prasiklus sebesar 36,84%. Pada semester pertama data persentil rata-rata klasikal sebesar 53,13% dari 19 siswa yang tuntas 10 dan 9 tidak tuntas, dan pada semester kedua yang lulus mencapai 76,31% yaitu 15 siswa, 4 diantarnya belum tuntas. Dapat dikatakan penelitian ini berhasil diterapkan .


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How to Cite

Wulandari, R., Hakim, M. ., & Afandi, B. . (2024). Implementasi Model Pembelajaran Make a Match untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Materi Pencemaran Lingkungan: (Implementation of the Make a Match Learning Model to Improve Student Learning Outcomes on Environmental Pollution Material). BIODIK, 10(3), 424-429.