Isolasi dan Karakterisasi Fungi Pyricularia oryzae Penyebab Penyakit Blast pada Tanaman Padi


  • Fitri Astriawati UNIVERSITAS JAMBI
  • Anfa STKIP Modern Ngawi


Kata Kunci:

Fungus, Blast Disease, Pyricularia oryzae, Rice Plant (Oryza sativa)


Blast disease caused by the fungi Pyricularia oryzae is one of the major diseases affecting rice plants (Oryza sativa), leading to significant reductions in yield. This study aims to isolate and characterize P. oryzae macroscopically and microscopically. The study is exploratory. The research methods include sampling rice leaves and stems showing blast symptoms, isolating the fungus from infected plant tissues, and characterizing the fungi macroscopically and microscopically. The results indicate that P. oryzae grown on PDA media forms colonies that are circular with even edges, have a velvety surface texture, and range in color from light gray to dark gray-black at the center, with concentric ring-like structures of grayish-white at the edges. Microscopically, P. oryzae produces asexual spores known as conidia, which are pyriform (pear-shaped) with two septa dividing the conidia into three cells. The conidia attach to the tips or branches of conidiophores. The conidiophores of P. oryzae are transparent to brownish, tubular, long-filamentous, septate, and thicker at the base. This identification provides crucial information for more effective control of blast disease and the development of sustainable disease management strategies.


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