Transition of Symbolic-Pictorial Representation in Solving Mathematics Problems


  • Fatqurhohman Fatqurhohman Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember
  • Agus Milu Susetyo Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember



pictorial representation, representation transition, symbolic representation


The purpose of this study is to describe the transition process of symbolic-pictorial representation in solving mathematical problems. Data collection is done by giving written questions which are then followed by structured interviews. The subjects in this study involved seventh grade students who were selected with the consideration that the answers could provide a representations transition process. The results of this study indicate two representations transition processes, namely pictorial to symbolic and symbolic to pictorial. The pictorial-symbolic representation, starting with translating the problem information into the form of an image illustration through the difference in size and number of cakes, integrating the illustrations made through calculations by partitioning them into several equal parts using cutting lines as a modification/simplification process. Symbolic-pictorial representation, shown by finding the key to the problem "cakes are given evenly to 20 people" and translating the information into the form of calculations, then transforms by simplifying the calculation results based on the problem key, the results are translated into an illustrated circle-shaped image which is modified by partitioning it into several parts. The representation relationship shown through the form of symbolic calculations with picture illustrations has the same solution or not. Thus, the difference in the transition process of this representation is in the integration and translation stages of transformation and modification through changing physical forms (illustration of images) and symbols (calculations).


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How to Cite

Fatqurhohman, F., & Susetyo, A. M. (2022). Transition of Symbolic-Pictorial Representation in Solving Mathematics Problems. Edumatica : Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 12(1), 22-29.