Aplikasi Learning Management System (LMS) pada Pengembangan Modul Elektronik Materi Atmosfer Bumi Menggunakan 3D Pageflip Professional
This research aims to develop prototype design of an electronic module using 3D Pageflip Professional software based on LMS using moodle, especially on biogeochemical cycling material which is studied in Environmental Chemistry course. The learning process in this LMS accommodates some content with various vitur that is the course content that includes articles, module material that is packaged in the form of interactive flash animation, task / exam, and video learning and assignment to measure student achievement.
This research uses research and development design (Research and Development) modification Sugiyono. The subjects of the study are Chemistry Education Study Program which is determined by convenience sampling. The data taken are feasibility in terms of materials and media as well as student responsiveness to products that have been developed through questionnaires.
Expert response shows that Moodle-based e-learning using using e-modules for the Earth Atmosphere is very feasible in terms of media and material-worthy. The result of questionnaires of students' responses on small-scale trials shows that the majority of students respond positively where the students are very interested and respond if the application of LMS moodle is a form of innovation in alternative learning process.
Keywords : Learning Management System; Electronic Modul; Earth Atmosphere
- 2018-12-05 (1)
- 2018-12-05 (1)