
  • Feri Febria Laksana Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Yogyakarta
  • Syauqie Muhammad Marier Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Yogyakarta
  • Imas Siti Maisarah




This research aims to develop "MySmartRecyleBin," a smart trash bin that utilizes Internet of Things (IoT) technology and Big Data in many cities around the world that face serious challenges in waste management. This research was conducted to face the urgency of handling the increasingly pressing waste problem. The aim is to help governments and waste managers overcome waste management challenges in a more sustainable manner, reduce waste management costs, and strengthen waste management systems. This research involves researchers and developers of IoT and Big Data technology collaborating to create a smarter and more efficient waste management system. By utilizing IoT and Big Data technology, this research produces a system that allows real-time data collection from various devices connected to the internet, such as sensors on trash cans and waste transport fleets. This data is then analyzed to understand user behavior and waste collection patterns. Through this technology, the waste management system can become more effective and efficient. This technology uses a Microcontroller, Load Cell, RFID Tag, and RestFull API Technology as a communication medium to the Waste Management Information System (MySipah). The test results show the success of sending data over the last 1 year, namely January 2022 is 152 kg, February 2022 is 109 kg, March 2022 is 93 kg, April 2022 is 113 kg, May 2022 is 126 kg, June 2022 is 161 kg, July 2022 is 188 kg, August 2022 is 143 kg, September 2022 is 102 kg, October 2022 is 113 kg, November 2022 is 116 kg, December 2022 is 124 kg.


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How to Cite

Febria, F., Marier, S. M., & Siti Maisarah, I. (2023). TEMPAT SAMPAH PINTAR “MYSMARTRECYLEBIN” BERBASIS TEKNOLOGI INTERNET OF THINGS (IOT) DAN BIG DATA. JOURNAL ONLINE OF PHYSICS, 9(1), 61–65. https://doi.org/10.22437/jop.v9i1.28146