Determination of the Education Index and Improvement Strategies in Jambi Province
Determinasi Indeks Pendidikan dan Strategi Peningkatannya di Provinsi Jambi
DOI: Kunci:
strategy, education index, determinantsAbstrak
The purpose of this research is to analyze: (1) the development of per capita income, School Participation Rate, poverty, Special Allocation Fund for the physical aspect of education, government expenditure on education, and the education index in the Jambi Province for the period 2002-2022, (2) the influence of per capita income, School Participation Rate, poverty, Special Allocation Fund for the physical aspect of education, and government expenditure on education on the education index of the Jambi Province, and (3) the strategy to improve the education index of the Jambi Province through the Special Allocation Fund for the physical aspect of education. This study uses a quantitative descriptive method, where the sources of data are the Central Statistics Agency of Jambi Province, the Department of Education, and the Regional Development Planning Agency of Jambi Province. The data obtained are then analyzed using quantitative analysis techniques and descriptive analysis. Based on the survey results of per capita income, School Participation Rate, poverty, Special Allocation Fund for the physical aspect of education, government expenditure on education, and the education index in the Jambi Province during the period 2002-2022, it shows fluctuating developments. Hypothesis testing results prove that factors influencing the education index of the Jambi Province during the period 2002-2022 include per capita income, School Participation Rate, Special Allocation Fund for the physical aspect of education, and government expenditure on education. Based on the results of internal strategic factor analysis and external strategic factor analysis, it is found that the most appropriate strategy model to be applied in improving the education index of the Jambi Province is the Strengths-Opportunities strategy, which includes: (1) promoting the expansion and equalization of educational opportunities for the entire rural community, (2) equalization of the number of teachers and educational staff in the city and districts in the Jambi Province, (3) improving the effectiveness of control and audit of facilities and infrastructure in schools, (4) enhancing the effectiveness of the learning process in schools through the provision of facilities and infrastructure accompanied by improving the quality of educational staff, (5) collaborating socially with the surrounding community to strive for comfortable school locations, thus creating a conducive learning environment, and (6) maximizing the use of learning facilities and supporting facilities in teaching activities to improve the quality of student learning outcomes to produce high-quality graduates, enabling the school to establish partnerships with other relevant institutions in utilizing its graduates' outputs. Based on these findings, to improve the education index through the Special Allocation Fund for the physical aspect of education, it is recommended that the local government increase the capacity of Dapodik operators in verifying school facilities and infrastructure data through education and training, as well as better coordination between the Department of Education and all high schools in reporting and submitting school facilities and infrastructure needs.
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