Teratogenic Effect Test of Ethanol Extract of Red Andong Leaves (Cordyline fruticosa L) on Fetus of White Mice (Mus musculus. L)


  • Enjelika Kris Universitas Jambi
  • Puspa Dwi Pratiwi Universitas Jambi
  • Yuliawati Yuliawati Pharmacy Study Program, Faculty of Medicine and Public Health Sciences, Jambi University
  • Effendi M. Rifqi Pharmacy Study Program, Faculty of Medicine and Public Health Sciences, Jambi University




Cordyline fruticose L, teratogenic effect, mice’s fetus


Cordyline has various pharmacological activities and is an alternative for pregnant women with vomiting, diarrhea, high fever, pain, and bleeding in the birth canal, assuming the herbal medicines are not harmful to the fetus. It is necessary to conduct further research on teratogenic tests to determine the effect of giving cordyline leaf ethanol extract on the external and internal growth and development of white mice fetuses. The method used is experimental using a completely randomized design (CRD) pre-test post-test control group design with 4 treatment groups KN (Na CMC), P1 (200 mg/KgBB), P2 (300 mg/KgBB), and P3 ( 400 mg/KgBB) in 4 pregnant white mice. The results were analyzed with Duncan's One Way Anova test. Research shows that the administration of ethanol extract from cordyline leaves can experience abnormalities such as hemorrhage and stunted body at a dose of 200 mg/kgBB and has the effect of reducing the number of fetuses at a dose of 300 mg/kgBB. However, the ethanol extract of cordyline leaves had no effect on the reduction in fetal weight and length, resorption sites, and ossification results in the fetus. The results of the Way ANOVA statistic show that there is no significant difference between the treatment groups compared to the negative control group (p > 0.05). So it was concluded that the ethanol extract of cordyline fruticosa leaves did not have a teratogenic effect that caused defects in the mouse fetus.


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How to Cite

Kris, E. ., Pratiwi, P. D., Yuliawati, Y., & M. Rifqi, E. (2022). Teratogenic Effect Test of Ethanol Extract of Red Andong Leaves (Cordyline fruticosa L) on Fetus of White Mice (Mus musculus. L). Indonesian Journal of Pharma Science, 4(2), 132–142. https://doi.org/10.22437/ijps.v4i2.23068