Method The Influence of Self-Efficacy and Learning Independence of Students on Chemistry Learning Achievement: Case Study State of 10th Grade Senior High School in Public High School 15 Pekanbaru


  • Ayu Rahmawati Universitas Riau
  • Lenny Anwar Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Chemistry Education, Riau University, Pekanbaru-28293 (Riau, Indonesia)
  • Rasmiwetti Rasmiwetti Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Chemistry Education, Riau University, Pekanbaru-28293 (Riau, Indonesia)
  • Yesi Nursofia College of Pharmacy, Taipe Medical University, No. 291, New Taipei City 23561, Taiwan



Learning Achievement,, Learning Independence, Self-Eddicacy


Self-efficacy and learning independence are important factors in improving chemistry learning achievement and these factors must be mastered by students. This study aims to determine the effect of self-efficacy and learning independence on chemistry learning achievement partially or simultaneously. This type of research is a survey-research with a quantitative approach. The data collection methods for this study are questionnaires and documentation. The self-efficacy and learning independence questionnaires used were 21 questions after being validated. The questionnaires were distributed to all samples of 119 students taken using the simple random sampling technique. Documentation was used to collect data on chemistry learning achievement scores. Data analysis used in this study was multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the study showed (1) There is a positive and significant effect of self-efficacy partially on chemistry learning achievement, (2) there is a positive and significant effect of learning independence on learning achievement, (3) There is a positive and significant effect between self-efficacy and learning independence simultaneously on chemistry learning achievement.


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Author Biographies

Lenny Anwar, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Chemistry Education, Riau University, Pekanbaru-28293 (Riau, Indonesia)

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Chemistry Education, Riau University, Pekanbaru-28293 (Riau, Indonesia)

Rasmiwetti Rasmiwetti, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Chemistry Education, Riau University, Pekanbaru-28293 (Riau, Indonesia)

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Chemistry Education, Riau University, Pekanbaru-28293, Indonesia

Yesi Nursofia, College of Pharmacy, Taipe Medical University, No. 291, New Taipei City 23561, Taiwan

College of Pharmacy, Taipe Medical University, No. 291, New Taipei City 23561, Taiwan


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How to Cite

Rahmawati, A., Anwar, L. ., Rasmiwetti, R., & Nursofia, Y. (2024). Method The Influence of Self-Efficacy and Learning Independence of Students on Chemistry Learning Achievement: Case Study State of 10th Grade Senior High School in Public High School 15 Pekanbaru. Chempublish Journal, 8(1), 42-50.