Before prepare and submit article manuscripts, please note that author(s) are discouraged from withdrawing submitted papers after it is in the publication process (review, copyedit, layout, etc.,). During the time, Jurnal Gentala Pendidikan Dasar had spent valuable resources besides time spent in the process.
Please prepare your manuscript before submission, using the following guidelines and the article template below:
Article files should be provided in Microsoft Word format. We currently do not accept other formats, such as LaTex or PDF files.
Article Length
Articles should be between 10-15 pages, including references. A maximum of 4 pages long appendices are allowed.
The title is written using Times New Roman 12 pt, a maximum of 14 words.
The abstract is written concisely in English. The abstract includes background, research objectives, research methods, research results and conclusions. Abstract written in 1 alenia, single spaced, using the font Times New Roman 11 pt, 100-200 words.
The introduction contains background and must explain the latest issues that lead to the importance of the research conducted. References (relevant literature or research) also need to be included in this section, their relationship to the justification of research urgency, the emergence of research problems, alternative solutions, and the chosen solution.
Problems, research objectives, and references are written narratively in paragraphs, do not need to be given special subtitles. (TNR-12, space: 1.5).
Contains the type of research, the time and place of research, targets / targets, research subjects, procedures, instruments and data analysis techniques as well as other matters related to the way of research.
Methods and statistical analysis must be explained in detail in this section so that it is possible for other researchers to develop similar research.
Subtitles do not need to be notated, but are written in lowercase letters with capital letters, Times New Roman bold, and left aligned.
Types of research
This type of research is related to the type of research used, described in accordance with the theory used by several experts (TNR-12, space: 1.5)
Time and Place of Research
Especially for qualitative research, the time and place of research need to be written clearly (for quantitative research, it is also necessary).
Research Targets / Subjects
Research targets / subjects (for qualitative research) or population-samples (for quantitative research) need to be clearly outlined in this section.
It is also necessary to write down the technique of obtaining the subject (qualitative research) and or the sampling technique (quantitative research).
Research procedure
Procedures need to be spelled out according to the type of research. How the research is carried out and the data will be obtained, needs to be described in this section.
For experimental research, the type of design (experimental design) used should be written in this section.
Data, Instruments and Data Collection Techniques
The types of data, how data is collected, with the instruments by which data are collected, and how the technical collection is, need to be clearly described in this section
Data analysis technique
How to interpret the data obtained, its relation to the problem and research objectives, needs to be clearly stated.
(Note: Sub-sections may differ according to the type or approach of research used. If there are procedures or steps that are sequential in nature, they can be given a notation (numbers or letters) according to their position).
The results of the study are presented in the form of graphs, tables, or descriptive. Analysis and interpretation of these results is needed before being discussed. The table is written in the middle or at the end of each study description text. Table title is written from the left, all words start with uppercase letters, except conjunctions. If more than one line is written in a single space (at least 12).
The results in the form of pictures, or data created by drawings / schemes / graphs / diagrams / the like, are also followed by the present regulation; the title or name of the image is placed below the image, from the left, and is given a space of 1 space (at least 12) from the image. If more than 1 line, between lines are given a single space, or at least 12.
The discussion is focused on linking the data and results of the analysis with the problem or research objective and the broader theoretical context. It can also be an answer to the question why the facts of the data were found. The discussion is written attached to the data discussed. The discussion is made not separate from the data discussed.
Conclusions can be generalized findings according to research problems, can also be in the form of recommendations for the next step.
Suggestions can be input for subsequent researchers, can also be implicative recommendations from research findings.
Aimed at various parties who assist in writing, for example research sponsors and resource persons.
Examples of Citations:
Journal:Â author's name, year, article title (between the two quotations), journal name (italics), volume, number, and page. Example:
Slamet PH. 2014. "Indonesian education politics in the 21st Century", in the Educational Horizon, Scientific Journal of Education, XXXIII (3), pp.324-337
Book:Â author's name (if more than one word, last name used as an entry), year, book title (italics), city of publisher, and publisher. Example:
Creswell, John W. 2014. Educational Research: Planning, Conduction, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research. Englewood Cliff, New Jersey: Pearson Merill Prentice Hall.
The book consists of a collection of articles with many authors written as follows.
Penaflorida, Andrea H. 2014. "Non -raditional Forms of Assessment and Response to Student Writing: a Step Toward Learner Autonomy", in Richard, JackC. And Willy A. Renandya (eds), (Methodology in Language Teaching, an Anthology of Current Practice Cambridge: University Press, pp. 100-115.
Internet:Â author, year, article title, site address, and download date. Example:
Mueller, Jhon. 2014. Authentic Assessment Toolbox. NorthCentral College, Naperville, http //, downloaded 9 September 2014.
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