Pengembangan Panduan Praktikum Konsep Dasar Biologi dan Lingkungan Berbasis Project Based Learning
Practical guide, , concepts of biology,, project-based learningAbstract
The purpose of learning activities in the basic concepts of biology
and the environment can be achieved, a practical guide is needed
that can facilitate students in understanding the concepts
contained in the Course Learning Outcomes. This study aims to
produce a practical guide to the basic concepts of biology and
project-based environment-based learning that is valid and
practical to use in the lecture process. This research is a type of
research and development with the ADDIE development model
(Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and
Evaluation). The results showed that the practical guide to the
basic concepts of biology and the environment based on the
learning project that was developed met the media validity level
with an average of 4.1 valid categories and material validity with
an average of 4.2 valid categories. The lecturer's response showed
that the practical guide to the basic concepts of biology and the
environment based on project based learning was in the practical
category with an average of 3.8 and student responses showed
that it was very practical to use with an average response of 4.4. It
can be said that this research produces a practical guide that meets
the level of validity and practicality.
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